or motel premises.
Should you carry some form of
identification? And if so, what?
In my opinion it isn't necessary.
In the first place
it isn't uncommon for women not to have any kind of identification on their person and I do not think authori- ties are surprised when this is the case. In the second place there is no such thing as a license to go out en femme; no kind of credentials give femme dressers the right to masquerade as women in public. In the third place, this "right" is something femme dressers individu- ally earn by virtue of being undetectable under all circum- stances, and the oft-repeated motto is "If You're Read-- You're Dead".
Still there is an urge to have something..
One acquaintance of mine has a letter from the Secretary of his state to the effect that this individual (addressing my friend in his real masculine name) per- forms as a female impersonator on various occasions; another has contrived to obtain a "The Fraternal Order Of Police" card from a friend; others carry letters from their psychiatrists, physician, or some person of responsi- bility.
In my own case I had a business card printed fact, because the printer would make up no less have 1000 of these cards. This is how my card is laid out:
Hotel Shows
Pegie Val Addair
Female Impersonator
(actual name)
(actual address)
(actual Ph.)
Actually, this card is the farthest thing from any license or privilege to go out en femme, simply because a professional female imperonator of all people knows full well the jeopardy of going out in public; cities re- quiring cabaret permits for female impersonators would certainly revoke such a permit if the performer was ar- rested in public!